NFTfi blog
Learn about NFT finance & stay up to date with the latest news and features!

The NFTfi Promissory Note: tokenizing loans as NFTs (ERC721)
February 02, 2021
When the borrower accepts your loan offer the NFTfi smart contract mints an ERC721 NFT into your account. We call this token a NFTfi Promissory Note.
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January 21, 2021
What is the future of NFTs? w/ Stephen Young, Co-Founder of NFTfi
Ben, a research analyst at CoinGecko, talks with Stephen Young, the NFTfi founder and CEO. Stephen gives an insight into the world of NFTs, the challenges faced unique to NFT-type loans, and how NFTfi aims to pave the way for NFT loans!
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November 24, 2020
Why NFTs need DeFi, with Stephen Young of NFTfi
Jamie Burke talks with Stephen Young of NFTfi, looking at how and why NFTs are increasingly being used as a form of collateral in DeFi loans.
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October 31, 2020
3 lending strategies on NFTfi
Lending on NFTfi is ultimately about providing liquidity to another user, the borrower. In our contract, you as a lender exchange your loan in wETH for a claim to their NFT, which is used as collateral in the transaction. This piece aims to explore different lending strategies.
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September 11, 2020
The great NFT x DeFi experiment: Part 3
My high-end NFTs are basically sitting as unproductive principal in the midst of a DeFi boom. I don’t want to sell them, but they are not doing any work for me either. Is it possible to take out an NFT loan, invest the funds, pay the loan back, and profit?
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September 05, 2020
The great NFT x DeFi experiment: Part 2
My high-end NFTs are basically sitting as unproductive principal in the midst of a DeFi boom. I don’t want to sell them, but they are not doing any work for me either. Is it possible to take out an NFT loan, invest the funds, pay the loan back, and profit?
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August 30, 2020
The great NFT x DeFi experiment: Part 1
My high-end NFTs are basically sitting as unproductive principal in the midst of a DeFi boom. I don’t want to sell them, but they are not doing any work for me either. Is it possible to take out an NFT loan, invest the funds, pay the loan back, and profit?
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May 14, 2020
The first post on explains what NFTfi is and how to get an NFT loan. In this article we will go through the basic functionality of the NFTfi platform and answer a few common questions we’ve had already. Keep em’ coming!
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